Shivranjani Incense Sticks

Shivranjani Incense Sticks

… Highly recommended by our spiritual teacher. Most usually get more than one pack at a time …

Starting at: $3.00

Shivranjani Incense

Work and meditate, meditate and work is a key ingredient in every aspect of life here at Nahziryah Monastic Community under the guidance and direction of our Spiritual Teacher  – Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD). Every item is offered in service – carrying a peaceful resonance,  much love and deep respect. Shivranjani Incensecan be purchased from various sources true,  or… as has been felt by many familiar with the items  offered by NMC, one can buy Shivranjani Incense from The Purple People!  (a name many have come to call us over many years because they see purple in our presence – from bottom to top)

“It’s an experience in purple… It’s a purple experience!

Herbal, spicy, semi-sweet. Excellent for meditation.

Weight0.5 oz
Shivranjani sizes

20 gram – $3, 40 grams – $5

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