~ EMF Protection Orgone Harmonizers

~ EMF Protection Orgone Harmonizers


Please visit the new web site to view the full line of Orgone tools ~ https://www.orgoneharmonics.com/

The Monastery’s hand crafted Orgone offerings are now being showcased at the community’s satellite web site – Orgone Harmonics https://www.orgoneharmonics.com/

Living in times which are saturated with a myriad of man made electromagnetic radiation (a host of modern day electrical conveniences such as cell phones, telephone/communication towers, WIFI, computers/laptops, microwave ovens, etc.) as well as other unharmonious emanations such as negative thought atmospheric pressures – these often chaotic frequencies compromise one’s ability to be in tune and in touch with one’s inner being. One is literally swimming through seas of discord. When the electromagnetic circuitry of one’s being is out of alignment – senses that something is missing in one’s life. The result – dis-ease, emotional turmoil, spiritual disconnectiveness.


The Orgone Harmonizers;Quantum Energy Resonance Devices work on a quantum level to assist in reestablishing and heightening scalar coherence (visualize melodic chords within musical scales). Scalar coherence simply means that subatomic particles/waves flow in spiralic harmony. Being in a space of coherence can have uplifting and healing effects on all levels of one’s life. Creating an oasis of harmonious communication allows one to view life with clearer perspectives, enhancing decision making abilities, empowerment, peace.These Orgone Harmonizers assist in cleansing, releasing, re-aligning… producing healing energetic resonances around the wearer and within the immediate environment – depending on the type of harmonizer used.

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