Citronella Essential Oil

Citronella Essential Oil

stimulates the immune mechanisms and the metabolism of the body

Starting at: $2.00

Citronella Essential Oil

Offering the finest quality therapeutic grade essential oils –
poured into the bottle size of your choice.

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon nardus
Origin: Indonesia
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
Plant Part: grass
Strength of Aroma: Potent
Aromatic Scent: sharp lemony


Aromatherapy Properties:

insect repellent, purify the atmosphere, eases depression and gives relief from anxiety, sadness, and negative feelings; induces a fresh, happy feeling and hope

Health Benefits

  • One of the more common uses is as an insect repellent. It is one of the main ingredients used in the insect repellent made for use here at the Monastery. Very refreshing aroma!
  • It is also useful in eliminating intestinal worms in the body.
  • Citronella oil is particularly helpful in treating infections in wounds, as well as in the colon, urethra, urinary bladder, stomach, intestines, urinary tracts, prostate and kidneys.
  • It relieves spasms of the muscles, respiratory system and nervous system.
  • It also helps to cure menstrual spasms and gives relief from symptoms such as cramps and coughs.
  • It stimulates blood circulation, secretions and discharges like hormones and enzymes from the glands, brain while also increasing activity in the nervous system.
  • This essential oil also stimulates the immune mechanisms and the metabolism of the body.
  • The crisp, rich citrus or lemon-like aroma of this oil assists in eliminating body odor and is used in deodorants and body sprays, although in very small quantities, since in heavy doses it may create skin irritations.
  • It can also be mixed with bath water to give a refreshing, body odor-ending bath.


Suggested Uses

  • Use Citronella Essential Massage Oil to stimulant, refresh and feel light hearted.
  • Pour unto a lit candle or oil diffuser to repel mosquitoes; with the added benefit of repelling negative thoughts. Take a deep breath – relax body and mind.
  • Add several drops into warm bath water to give the body a thorough cleansing treatment inside and out. Putting a little Epsom salt or Himalayan Crystal Salt in the bath water increases the therapeutic quality of the treatment. Himalayan Crystal Salt feeds the body with natural minerals which may not be present in one’s dietary intake.
  • Add a little Lavender essential oil for an extra boost. Relax, re-charge, release imbalances NOW.

Blending: Citronella oil blends well with cedarwood, clary sage, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemon, peppermint, rosemary and tea tree essential oils.


Please note: Always consult a health care practitioner.


Essential Oil Bottles

$2 – tester vial, $5 – green glass 5/8 dram, $6 – amber color bottle 1/8 oz., $15 – 1/3 oz. clear glass with applicator top, $18 – 1/3 oz. cobalt blue w/ dropper, $26 – 1/2 oz. amber colored bottle w/ dropper top, $70- 2 oz. amber colored bottle w/ dropper top, $60 – 1.7 oz. (50ml) cobalt blue w/ dropper, $105 – 3.4 (100ml) cobalt blue w/ dropper

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